Box-type Waterproofing Treatment for Basements and Tanks

Published by Admin on


  • Excavation drawing represents the length, width and depth of the excavation. Excavation line is marked in dotted line.
  • After PCC Completed, Cleaning the existing PCC surface area with wire brushing and washing the same.
  • Filling up the cracks ( if any ) with rich mix cement mortar or Non Shrink Grouts.
  • Rendering 25mm thick cement mortar in 1:5 with Dr Fixit Waterproofing Chemical and fixing the ROUGH SHAHABAD TILES ( 2′ X 1’6″) in a staggered pattern by keeping 20 mm joint in between the tiles.
  • Filling medium size aggregates in between the joints GROUTING cement slurry admixed with integral plasticizer of MYK Schomburg make MYK Proof WP-10 @ 150ml per bag of cement and finishing smooth. or equivalent material or as per instructed by Designer.
  • NOTE : The joints are the weakest area in between the tiles. So most care of compaction to be taken while grouting.
  • Rendering average 30 to 40 mm thick cement screed ( Sand + Aggregates cement) with proper compaction and finishing smooth.
  • CURING the same for at least 15 days.

Use of Integral waterproofing plasticisers, Grouting admixtures in neat
cement slurry makes the cement mortars/screed /slurry flow able,
homogeneous by reducing the water cement ratio and enhances the
properties. Also use of Flexible Chemical coating over the joints prevents the re occurrences of the cracks.

While executing BOX TYPE WATERPROOFING Treatment the UPLIFT OF WATER should be taken care of by making arrangements to divert the
same till the curing period

Step -1 – Excavation work as per requirement width,length & Height .
Step -2 – De watering & Surface Cleaning
Step -3 – Rock Anchorage Work if Require by RCC designer. Generally this is take where Ground water level is more, so in that case, Uplift force of Ground water is more then self wt of tank Dead Load and Live load. so to prevent lifting of whole tank or avoid cracks in raft, this procedure is take.
Step -4 – Laying of PCC
Step – 5 – Shahabad Tiles Fixing & Grouting
Step – 6 – After Shahabad Tiles Fixing, Morter Finishing with Waterproof liquid
Step – 7- Raft Side Shuttering including Sunk & Open Gutter Sides
Step No.7a – And Wall/Raft Steel Placing and Binding
Step 8- Raft Casting done – steel binding of wall start
Step 9 – Fixing of Water bar in Between Raft & Wall Joint. this is Very Important Activity in Water tank Construction to Avoid Leakage From Raft & Vertical Wall Joint.
After Raft Casting Done, Next Step is to start Shuttering of Walls as per Requirement ht. but In this process, if Ht of Watertank is more then need to take joint in the Wall, in that case Plz dont forget to use Water Bar in wall Joints to Avoid Leakages.


Shahabad tiles are fixed to the vertical retaining walls from outside. Cement paste is applied on all four corners of a Shahabad tile and it is pressed firmly on the RCC wall in line and level. At a time only a height of 1m is fixed. Total height above the ground level is taken as 1’-6”. Joints are then sealed in C.M. 1:2 (Pointing). The Shahabad dado is then grouted using cement slurry with waterproofing compound and cured for 7 days. After curing, a jointless waterproofing plaster coat is applied and cured. Thickness of this treatment is around 65mm to 75mm.This entire process forms a box around the structure and does not allow any water to seep through or leak from the basement.

1st Clean The Wall Surface and Fill Cracks by Waterproofing Material if seen then start Waterproof Back Coat Plaster with grooming, then start Dado (Shahabad) Tiles Fixing to Vertical Wall. After This Again Waterproof Ghotai Plaster Over Shahabad Tiles

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