Introduction to Food Technologies, Scope, Companies & Jobs

Table of Contents
Food items are the being processing for the various reasons. Since times immemorial, grains have been dried after the harvest to be increase their self-life. Initially, foods were processed primarily to the improve digestibility, palatability and to ensure the continuous supply. In the India pickles, murabbas and papads are examples of preserved products made from certain vegetables, fruits, grains. With passage of the time, improved transportation, communication and the increasing industrialisation, the needs of the consumers have a become.
More the diverse and there is now increasing demand for the ‘fresh’ and ‘organic’ foods, ‘safer and the healthier’ foods and foods with adequate self-life. The consumers expect better-quality of the foods with retention of nutrients, many a time having the specific functional properties and taste, texture, consistency, while being self-stable and the easy to the package, store and the transport. This has served as a stimulus to scientists to be developed methods and the techniques to process foods in a manner that the food products will meet the all requirements and demands of the consumers end. All of us eat the readymade foods. These range from biscuits, bread, pickles, papads to foods such as ready to the eat curries, meal items, snacks, etc. Such foods are the manufactured using the variety of processes and the technologies. For the some, simple traditional methods are still to be used while never processes and technologies are the employed to produce processed foods in the bulk.

Food Technology is the food science and the application of the scientific, as well as the social economic knowledge and the legal rules for the production processing. Food technology uses and the exploits knowledge of Food Science and the Food Engineering technologies to produce varied foods. Study of Food Technology gives in-depth knowledge of the science and the technology, and develops skills for the selection, storage, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution of the safe, nutritious, wholesome, desirable as well as the affordable, convenient foods. Another significant aspect of the food technology is to promote the sustainability to avoid waste and the save and utilise all of the food produced and ensure safe and sustainable processing practices of the food processing technologies.
The Food Science It is the distinct field involving the application of basic food sciences such as the chemistry and physics, culinary arts, agronomics and microbiology. It is the broad discipline concerned with all of the technical aspects of the food, beginning with the harvesting or slaughtering and the ending with cooking and consumption. The Food Scientists have to use the knowledge of the biology, physical food sciences and engineering to the study the composition of the foods, changes that occur at the various stages from harvest through the different processes and the storage, causes of their spoilage and the principles underlying food processing process. Food scientists deal with the physio-chemical aspects of the food, thus helping us to understand the nature and the properties of food processing.
The demand for food processed, packed and convenient food with the prolonged self-life requires well-trained human resource in the food technologies industry. There is an encouraging, challenging and rewarding future for the professions and careers in the Food Technology and the Food Processing industry. As this field requires are the application of the food science and the food technology to be the processing the process, preservation, utilisation, packaging and the distribution of the food and the food products, it is the encompasses a diverse range of specialisations.
The work of the food science technologists is mainly in the food industries, quality control departments, hotels, hospitals, labelling and packaging industries, breweries, distilleries, soft drink industries, dairy, confectionery, fish and meat processing, fruit and vegetable processing, processing of grains, cereals, millets, rice and the flour mills, etc. Their expertise is the useful in various departments such as purchase and storage, processing and manufacture, quality monitoring and management, safety assessment, as well as the research and development. Besides this, entrepreneurship is a highly rewarding the avenue. There are various avenues for the employment.
The Indian food companies with a size of the 61 billion US dollars, ranks 5th in terms of the size, contributes nearly 6 % of the GDP, 13 % of Indian exports and involves 6 % of the total industrial investment in the country. Besides, it is the estimated to grow at the rate of 20 % of which processed food processing segment accounts for 25 %. The key segments of this companies are milk and the milk products, snack foods, bakery products, fruit and vegetable products, beverages alcoholic and the non-alcoholic, fish and meat processing process, food processing machines and the allied equipment. Exports are the rising and this boosts employment at avenues.
With the globalisation, Indian shores have opened up to the foreign investments and technologies. As the result, many foreign companies and multinational companies are the setting up their production, R&D, educational and outsourcing facilities in the country. Thus there is sample scope for food technologists in the Indian as well as foreign organisations. Also, food processing industry provides the good opportunity for export of the products. Employment exchanges will also be the strengthened and upgraded.
Food companies is involved in processing and manufacture, research and development and modifying existing the food products, developing the new products, researching consumer markets and developing the new technologies, ensuring the food safety and the monitoring food quality, improving quality control procedures, costing to ensure profitable of the production, and regulatory affairs. They may specialise in the particular branch of food technology such as the beverages, dairy products, meat and poultry, sea food, fats and oils, stabilisers, preservatives, colours, food grains and the additives. A professional in this area requires knowledge and the skills about food technologies.

- The Food science, food chemistry, microbiology, food processing, safety and quality assurance (QA), good manufacturing practices and the nutrition.
- The Analysis of the raw and cooked manufactured foods for the composition, quality assurance and safety.
- The Food ingredients, their uses in the food preparations and food production on a large scale.
- Product specifications and the food product development.
- Sensory evaluation and acceptability of the food technologies.
- Industrial practices, systems control, distribution channels and the consumer purchase patterns.
- The Food packaging and the labelling.
- Ability to use the information technology to support the product design.
- Skills in the food preparation and the cooking.
- Ability to the design and analyse, follow the design brief and the adapt recipes.
After successfully completion of the 10+2 or equivalent examination, one can pursue short term certificate, craft and diploma courses at various institutes in the different states, as well as at the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore. Such courses are the suitable for the self-employment and for placement in small scale industries of food preservation and processing, and catering establishments. Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and research qualifications provide the most comprehensive grounding for jobs in the food companies, particularly the large scale units, and for taking up to research and the training as well as entrepreneurship. Many universities in India and abroad offer graduate and the post graduate degrees in the food technology. There are institutes offering post graduate courses in the specialised aspects of Food Processing and Technology like National Institute of Food Technology and Entrepreneurship Management at the Sonipat.

Founders: Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah
Establish: 2008
Venue: Gurugram
Funding received: US$673 Million
The Gurgaon-based Zomato platform allows the users to find restaurants, order, pick up, and reserve tables from mobile apps. Pankaj Chaddah and Deepinder Goyal founded Zomato in the 2008. Currently, operates in the 24 countries across the world. It is the Indian restaurant search and the discovery service. Users can be upload pictures of the menu items they order or an outlet’s photo and the information and reviews on the application and website.
Restaurants may also be create their apps with customized features and the integrate with Zomato’s ‘order and analytics’ support via the white-label platform that the Zomato offers. In addition to Glade Brook Capital, Ant Financial, and VY Capital, the start-up has received about the $673 million funding. Also, it’s the popularity during the flu season was the surprising.
Founders: Sriharsha Majety, Nandan Reddy, and Rahul Jaimini
Establish: 2014
Venue: Bengaluru
Funding received: US$1.47 Billion
Swiggy offers the food services solutions to the restaurants through its food ordering and the delivery platform. Founded in the 2014 by Sriharsha Majesty, Nandan Reddy, and Rahul Jiminy, Swiggy is the food and online shopping of the marketplace.
Swiggy’s CEO is Vivek Bhatia. Restaurant food and desserts are the delivered to its customers in less than the 40 minutes. The company uses an application that runs on routing algorithms to the route its delivery agents to customers end.
Founder: Rashmi Daga
Establish: 2014
Venue: Bengaluru
Funding received: US$24 Million
Fresh Menu is the restaurant in Bangalore that offers neighbourhood food delivery using the cloud technology. The restaurant specializes in oriental, continental, Italian, Mughlai, and the other cuisines. Thanks to the start up’s daily changing the menu, fresh meals are delivered to the customers’ doorsteps in the 45 minutes the company owns a delivery fleet and kitchens throughout the city place.
The fresh vegetables, fresh dairy products, and meats that fresh menu uses in their meals are the sourced from local farms. On average, it serves about the 12000 orders per day at the cost of INR 320 per order. Rashmi Daga, the founder of the Freshmen, also founded the start up. Light speed Venture Partners and Growth Story Investments have invested $24 million in the start up.
Founders: Sandipan Mitra
Establish: 2016
Venue: Bengaluru
Funding received: US$16.5 Million
Hunger Box is India’s leading institutional FoodTech Company. Founded in the 2016 by industry veterans Sandipan Mitra and Uttam Kumar, Hunger Box manages the end-to-end F&B requirements of the nearly 160 institutions in the Technology, Financial Services, and Education, Manufacturing, and the Healthcare sectors.
Since inception, Hunger Box has processed more than the 200 million food orders across 565 institutional café’s across 18 Indian cities, with the annual gross food value of INR 750 Cr.
Founders: Jaydeep Barman and Kallol Banerjee
Establish: 2011
Venue: Pune
Funding received: US$80 Million
Faasos Food Services Pvt. is the food on demand start up based in Pune. Founded in 2011 by Jaydeep Barman and Kallol Banerjee, Faasos focuses on they inhalant industry. Customers can order food on its mobile application and website, and it currently operates in the 16 Indian cities. Faasos aggregates restaurants from different chains and individual restaurants to the provide a wide range of foods to customers. Despite scaling and sustainability problems, it has managed to the strike a balance.
Per Day Faasos processes roughly 18000 orders. Kettle & Eggs, Ovenstory, and Behrouz Biriyani, are the some of the companies’ brands. There have been investments of $80 million from Altia Capital, Sistema Asia Capital, Evolvence India, etc
It has already has been mentioned that food processing is the branch of manufacturing where in raw materials are transformed into the intermediate food stuffs or edible products through the application of the scientific knowledge and the technology.
Changes in the products often to be reduce preparation time for the cook. Most of the time, processing of foods adds value to the resultant of the product by increasing storability, portability, palatability and convenience in the food product.
Professionals in the food processing need to be knowledgeable about the general characteristics of the raw food materials, principles of the food preservation, processing factors which influence quality assurance, packaging, water and the waste management, good manufacturing processes and the sanitation procedures. Let us briefly examine the need, principles, methods and modernisation of the food processing process.
Foods are the subject to physical, chemical and biological deterioration. Food deterioration is the associated with spoilage, development of flavours, and deterioration of the textures, discoloration and loss of nutritional value in the varying degrees, reducing aesthetic appeal and rendering it is the unsafe for consumption.
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